Thursday, 20 March 2025

Centenary Challenges

To celebrate 100 years of St Joseph’s Church and to coincide with the Jubilee we undertook various 100 challenges. Each of these challenges was an act of Catholic Social Teaching.

The Reception Class made 100 gingerbread men. These were given away to friends and family as an act of kindness.

Year 1 undertook 100 acts of kindness.

Year 2 wrote and hung 100 messages of hope on a school playground tree.

Year 3 made 100 paper candles containing messages of hope.

Year 4 collected 100 items for our local food bank.

Based on a famous Japanese story during the time of the Hiroshima bomb, Year 5 made 100 paper cranes for peace.

Year 6 planted over 100 seeds.

The Chaplaincy Team collected over 100 pieces of rubbish.

St Joseph's Day activities

 For St Joseph's Day the children made paper lilies and Sleeping St Joseph prayer envelopes.

Wednesday, 19 March 2025

St Joseph's Day Prayer Stations

Today for St Joseph's day, the children visited different St Joseph prayer stations in the school hall. 


A special Centenary St Joseph's Day Mass

This morning, we celebrated a special centenary St Joseph's Day Mass. Today marks 100 years of St Joseph's Church.